In the Community: Thanksgiving Box Drive

No one should go hungry on Thanksgiving

Time and time again I am impressed by the loving charity of our community.

Due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, there are so many families in our community who would be going without a Thanksgiving Dinner on our table if Cornerstones did not run their annual drive.
Our support of Cornerstones’ annual Thanksgiving Food Drive will help make a fulfilling holiday possible for nearly 1,000 families this holiday season.

Hearty Thanksgiving Meal list.png

The North Virginia community can support the drive by purchasing a $50 Thanksgiving Food Box at the North Point Village Center Giant Food location in Reston, now through November 14.

THIS YEAR we have promised one box for each class, so we will work with your teachers on building a sign up so that each family can bring a part of their classroom’s box.

The kiddos will make art and letters to place in there along with the food so that we can give the family receiving the box a heartfelt hello on the holiday of gratitude.

This sounds complicated with our social distancing policy, but I promise you we will make this as easy as possible! Here is the link to the SIGNUP. You can click on as many or few as you like, including the BONUS box at the end.

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN FILLING YOUR OWN BOX — Let LJ Donnell know and she will give you your own box to fill with a list of what needs to go inside available. They can always use more boxes.

We will begin to collect items in the classrooms starting on Thursday. Please bring your items for the boxes either at pick up or drop off (place it into your child’s backpack.)

Because we have to limit our exposure with the drop off, we will only be doing one! Please have all of your ingredients and or boxes back by MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH COB.