Goodbye Mr. Josh!

After five years of laughter, hugs, skinned knees, and turning nursery rhymes into classic rock instant hits…

We are saying goodbye to our beloved Mr. Josh! He is focusing in on school and looking towards his future to decide what he’s going to do next, and we could not be more proud of him, more sad to see him go (but excited for the next part of his journey!), more thankful for everything he has done for us and the students who were lucky enough to grow under his care.

While he will no longer be working with us, he still loves his community here and would be happy to hear from any of you! Make sure to say “see you soon!” to him this afternoon!

We will also be posting pictures on our Facebook, and encourage you to share your favorite Mr. Josh pictures, stories, songs, memories!! It shows Mr. Josh what you meant to him and reminds us all that all of our most normal days are sometimes the most lovely.

A note from Mr. Josh:

“My five years at Common Ground have been some of the most transformative and fulfilling I have ever known.

I started teaching as a goofy 19 year old kid, and now? I'm a goofy 24 year old man, and I wouldn't have it any other way. From sharing my music and any creepy-crawly creature I could get my hands on to helping my students navigate the complex emotional landscape of early childhood; I've considered it privilege to grow alongside these wonderful little people.
To the children I've had the opportunity to work with: I love you all. I'm constantly amazed by how far you've come, and I'm so proud that I had the chance to call myself your teacher. This time has more to me than I could possibly express and I look forward to visiting Common Ground in the weeks, months and years to come.”

Thank you for everything, Josh, Common Ground loves you!